
Dandelion Crowns

Making a dandelion crown is very easy, if you know how to braid.

Just take three dandelions with long stems and start braiding. Cross the left outer stem over the middle one, then cross the right outer stem over the middle one and so on.

Add in another dandelion to each of the stems when crossing them, so the flower comes next to the previous one on the crown and you have two stems instead of one to braid.

Continue crossing the stems and you'll have 3 and even 4 stalks in one in your braid.

When the first are getting short, the others will be long enough for crossing.

Make the crown as large as you want.

Tie the stalks to the other end, right after the first 3 flowers which started the crown.

You can hide the remaining stems between the flowers in the crown, so they can't be seen.

You can even make a dandelion bracelet if you want.

And there you have it!!

I think you could do the same with any flowers that have pliable stems, but don't tell you kids that or you won't have any flowers left in your garden...

Found at Dave's Garden

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