
Tag, You're It...

  1. If you owned a bookstore what would you name it: In Your Mind's Eye.
  2. Which literary hero (male or female) would you like to be: Anne of Green Gables.
  3. If you were given the chance to be born in a different decade which one would you choose: 1830 -1840 when the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth.
  4. Who would play you in a movie: Maureen O'Hara.
  5. What was your favorite toy of all of time: My Harley.
  6. What do you like to collect: Santa Clauses, cribbage boards, and state quarters.
  7. What is your guilty pleasure: Monthly facials with Julie Foo, and buying random gifts for friends.
  8. If you had the power to change one thing in this world, what would that be: That the pure love of Christ would dwell in every heart.
  9. What is your most embarrassing moment: I peed my pants on a ride at lagoon when I was on a date.
  10. What is your favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life.
  11. What is your favorite vegetable: Niblets corn.
  12. Tell 3 things about yourself; 2 true, and 1 untrue, and see if we can figure out which is fantasy: I love to mow the lawn. I love to clean the house. I love to shovel the snow.

1 comment:

Whitney Tanner said...

I love this tag! I'm gonna do it myself! Sans tag!

Christmas Countdown