
Sunday Reflections

:: Relief Society ::
Presidency Message: The Sacrament
Elder John H. Groberg: Come unto Christ and be perfected in him (Moroni 10:32). None are barred except by themselves. One of the most beautiful and important ways (to come unto Christ) is through the ordinance of the sacrament. The sacrament is an intensely personal experience, and we are the ones who knowingly are worthy or otherwise.

:: Sunday School ::
Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is the New Covenant in that it teaches us the Law of Consecration and Stewardship. And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do that which I have written-- (Doctrine & Covenants 84:57)

"A parent may whip a child, and justly, too, because he stole an apple; where as, if the child had asked for the apple, and the parent had given it, the child would have eaten it with a better appetite; there would have been no stripes; all the pleasure of the apple would have been secured, all the misery of stealing lost." (Teaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith p255-6).

There are so many things in this life that, if we remember this analogy, we can make wiser choices: having children, polygamy, killing, etc. There is a time and season for everything. We need to be careful not "run before we are sent," as Oliver Cowdry had a tendancy to do.

:: Fast and Testimony Meeting ::
From Testimonies:
It is a blessing to be able to look into your faces and know how much Heavenly Father loves you. In a preiesthood blessing I was prompted to tell a sister of Heavently Father's love for her, not because it had been said before in blessings, but because it was the truth for her.

Living the gospel will always bless you, but in the Lord's way not always ours.

Love and take care of your families. They are so important. They are everything.

When we feel unworthy to pray is when we need to do it the most. Heavenly Father loves us and He hears and answers our prayers.

When I decided to sing A Child's Prayer and Did You Think To Pray as I settled my children for bed one night, my five-year old began to cry. Through his tears, he explained, "I'm crying, but I am happy!"

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