
Sunday Reflections

:: Relief Society ::
Truths from the Saviors Parables in Matthew 13

Joseph Smith set the example for how we should study the scriptures, and how to ask for understanding and light.

The Savior taught in parables so that those who believed on his word could understand his message as they were prepared receive it. There is always more we can learn. When we have not prepared ourselves for increased understanding, we can't receive additional light. We need to read the scriptures, pray, and keep the commandments so that our spiritual wee with our spiritual eyes and ear with our spiritual ears. When we have prepared ourselves, we will be ready and our understanding will be added upon.

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I se it, but because by it I see everything else. --C.S. Lewis

:: Sunday School :: This Is The Spirit of Revelation
There is a need for personal revelation to help us in our temporal and spiritual lives.
We are entitled to the same personal revelations as the prophets.
If you really have a testimony, you have received personal revelation.

To receive personal revelation we need to:
1. Study things out in your mind. You really have to want it.
2. Ponder, meditate, and study on the scriptures. The scriptures can be our own Urim and Thummin.
3. Inquire of the Lord in faith. When you kneel in prayer, speak "and listen". It takes strength to pray.
4. Be obedient. Not being obedient turns off the "communication switch."
5. Be meek and humble. Be willing to do what needs to be done to be back in tune with the spirit.
6. Focus on the things of God. Inspiration comes about in peaceful, reverent settings. The adversary is behind irreverence that obstructs the delecate balance of Revelation.

:: Sacrament Meeting ::
Sister Morgan: Be prayerful. Prayer is a very personal things, but you can't do it alone. Heavenly Father is there always, and is ready to help at any time. Always remember who you are talking to when you pray.

Sister Murray: We have to learn and understand the doctrines of the gospel in order to keep the commandments. We do this by reading our scriptures, praying, keeping the Sabbath Day holy, etc. No one can pray or read the scripture for us. It is a very personal thing. When we keep the commandments, we are honoring what has been written on our hearts.

Brother Moffat: Testimonies of the gospel come to different people, at different times, in different ways. We are witness of Jesus Christ through our testimonies. Do those things necessary to generate your own testimony.

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