
Choir Notes

For the Beauty of the Earth
From Music and the Spoken Word
Delivered by: Lloyd D. Newell • Program 4162

Nature is often a theater for some of our most meaningful experiences. Many of us can tell of a time when we have been comforted, inspired, or awed while basking in the majesty of the beauties of the earth. The settings vary—from sunrise to sunset, from sea to desert, from valley to lofty mountain peaks—but the feelings are universal. Communion with nature does something to our souls.

One who had such an experience chose to record what he felt, and his words have been recited and sung for nearly 150 years. The story is told of Folliott S. Pierpoint, who took a walk one day in late spring in the beautiful countryside near his home in Bath, England. Awestruck and inspired by what he saw, he sat down and wrote For the Beauty of the Earth,1 which captured for all time a heartfelt expression of gratitude and praise:

For the beauty of the earth,
For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies,
Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.2

Not only did he thank God for His magnificent creations, but other verses express thanks for family, friends, and many other cherished blessings. Indeed, if we open our hearts, we will see that our lives are filled with nature’s heavenly gifts.

As men and women have done since time began, contemplate the wonders of life and the universe. When you feel discouraged or worried, take a moment’s pause, look outside, and breathe deeply the beauty and glory that surround us.

1 See Armin Haeussler, The Story of Our Hymns: The Handbook to the Hymnal of the Evangelical and Reformed Church (1952), 66.
2 Hymns, no. 92.

1 comment:

Annie Link said...

I never took the time to thank you for the wonderful words you left when I posted about Gavin. Your tender reaction and response to that post--your motivation to reach out to your own son--brought me the comfort of a sense of purpose in sharing my loss. This comes rarely, but when it does, it provides one of Heavenly Father's healing mercies. Thank you for your open heart.

I always love your comments. You 'get' me in a way that few others do, and that's such a sweet feeling! So, thank you, thank you, my friend.

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