
Sunday Reflections

:: Relief Society ::
5th Sunday: The Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost is a guide and a comforter.
We all want and need some gentle guidance from the Holy Ghost.
One of the characteristics of the Holy Ghost is that He is a gentleman. He will be there if we ask Him in, but He will leave if we don't want him.
It takes moral character and hard work to gain spirituality.
We must be in-tune to receive messages form the Holy Ghost and to receive the power to do something about the message.
Always write down spiritual impression you receive, and review them. If we don't write it down, we may remember the feeling, but not the thought.

:: Sunday School ::
Because of My Transgression My Eyes Are Opened

Adam and Eve were told by God that they should not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but also that they should not even touch it. We also have been told not to touch or partake of "fruits" in our own lives.

When God asked Adam, "Where art thou?" he knew where Adam was, He was checking to see if Adam knew where he was headed.

Being removed from the Garden of Eden was not a punishment for Adam and Eve, it was a natural consequence for exercising their agency; a transgression of the law, not a sin. We inherit the consequences of the fall, not the responsibility for it. The atonement saves us from the consequences of the fall.

:: Sacrament Meeting ::
Thoughts from Talks
Sometimes we need to change our attitude in order to have the Spirit in our families.

In order to teach by the Spirit, we need to keep the commandments, prepare, and be led by the Spirit. Anger and rebellion drives the Spirit away.

Learning by the Spirit: The best way to learn something is to teach it. The Spirit whispers gently. We must open our ears, hearts, and minds in order to hear it.

Zion: the pure in heart; the Church; City of Enoch, Ancient Jerusalem; The New Jerusalem; place for all who are exalted. The characteristics of Zion are faith, hope, and charity. The law of consecration governs Zion. Those who love the Lord keep the law of consecration. We should be seeking grace and gratefulness instead of riches.

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