Change that Lasts
From Music and the Spoken Word
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell • Program 4246
As each new year begins, many of us think about exercising more and eating less, budgeting wisely and getting out of debt, or taking on a host of other challenges. But how many of our well-intended plans really become permanent changes in our lives?
Because such change takes more than an impulse, more than mere desire, we often find ourselves falling short of our goal. In some ways, we’re like a child learning to ride a bicycle—a gentle push from a parent can give the bicycle some initial momentum, but to keep going she’ll have to do some pedaling on her own. Most of us feel motivated to improve our lives, but we need sustained effort to make the changes permanent.
For example, we may feel a strong but vague desire to be a kinder neighbor. That desire can become a permanent change if we turn it into a specific action—a friendly visit, an offer to help, a smile and a compliment. Each act of kindness will strengthen our desire, which we can then turn into more kind acts.
Or perhaps our goal is to live a healthier lifestyle. Such a goal gains momentum with each proactive step we take. We might make specific changes to our eating habits or our entertainment choices. We may even choose to throw away anything that could keep us from our goal. Though it seems difficult at first, this kind of positive change energizes and empowers us as we gain a sense of control over our lives.
Of course, like the girl on her bike, we may fall down at times. But there are loved ones around us who are willing to help us up. Best of all, if we reach out, heaven’s help is always there to lift us and set us back on our way. As long as we keep trying, keep pedaling, our goals will gradually become habits, and we’ll be surprised at the progress we’re making toward lasting change.
2 days ago
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