
Choir Notes

Of Gifts That Live
From Music and the Spoken Word
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell • Program 3670

Jesus was born in Bethlehem and grew up in a country that became for Him, as for us, symbolic of the marvels of His mission.

He was born at night under a brilliant star.  He would call Himself the Light of the World.

He was born near flour mills in a little town known as the house of bread.  He would call Himself the Living Bread, come down from heaven to revive the famished.

He was born at the edge of rolling pastures for sheep and lamb.  He would call Himself the Good Shepherd, the one who would never recoil from the disabilities and diseases of His flock.

He was born near Solomon’s pools and the clay channels that supplied water to Jerusalem, the Holy City.  He would give the gift of Living Water, flowing to inner deserts bereft of love and care.

He was born amidst ancient olive trees and oil presses.  He would call Himself the Christ—the Anointed One—who would pour soothing oil into the wounds of body and spirit.1 

He was born only a few steps from the age-old footpath of Abraham, who trudged with his son Isaac toward the mountain of the Lord.  He would be called “the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world."2 And when He had turned death into immortality, He would say, “I am the life."3

He was born a babe in a lowly stable and became King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

So, we sing of the miracle of His birth, celebrating His role as Savior and Redeemer, thankful for the reminders, for He said, “Behold, . . . all things are created and made to bear record of me."4 
1 See Luke 4:14-21; 3 Nephi 9:15
2 Revelation 13:8.
3 Doctrine and Covenants 11:28.
4 Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 6:66.

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