
SLO: Parody of "Let It Go" for Teacher

SLOs and Common Core
OTES and Google Mail
It's coming at me oh so fast, I can feel I'm growing pale
Through the halls I push my cart, I'm getting oh so fried
You say I need a classroom? God knows I've tried

Student learning's what is sought
Tests designed by those who've never taught
Enter my data so I'll know...
Well now I know...

Where'd my time go? I don't know
I think my head's about to blow
They don't care
What we have to say
State tests rage on
Spare time is a luxury anyway

Funny how politicians
Think teachers are so bad
But they're never in our classrooms
It really makes me mad!

SLOs and IEPs
504s and SST

Where's my sanity? I don't know
I think my head's about to blow
They don't care
What we have to say
State tests rage o....wait a minute... WHAT?
But Christmas break starts in TWO HOURS!!

The state is here we must set Mastery Growth Goals
I got mine back again; should I just go to Tolles?
If it's returned once more I'll just say kiss my class!
I'm taking 3 days off and never coming baaack!

I'll throw you out in the sky
I'm trying not to cry!
Here I stand
In the light of JUNE
Time to say SO LONG!!!!
Tomorrow I'll be singing a different tune

SLO = Student Learning Objectives
OTES = Ohio Teacher Evaluation System
IEP = Individualized Education Plan
SST = Student Success Team
OGT = Ohio Graduation Test
PARCC = Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
**In Ohio, the powers that be are arguing on whether we keep the OGT or switch to PARCC.

Because politicians can't figure it out, as of now it looks like sophomore students are going to pay for it by having to take BOTH the OGT and PARCC next year.
OMG= Oh My God
BUT CHRISTMAS BREAK STARTS IN TWO HOURS - On our PD (Professional Development) day, the last 2 hours we were told the State had mandated that we set "Mastery Growth Goals" before we left for break. It was a long involved process, directions were minimal and and what we were told to do required at least a day (if not longer) to put together. They were returned to us several times to us throughout the semester to re-do, each time with better directions.
Tolles= a really good vocational school in our district with an outstanding reputation.

OEA wrote one verse and the chorus and I did the rest. This was performed for our end of the year staff party. Please forgive the crack on the high note at the beginning; it was a rough school year and I'm still recovering.
*No copyright infringement intended.
 Linda Kinnison Roth

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