
Out of the Best Books

I just finished reading the book
The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal Our Hearts and Homes
by James L. Ferrell.

This is a MUST read book for everyone...
(It would be a great Love book to give for Valentines Day)

Right now the book is just $13.47 @ BYU Bookstore Online.
This is what they had to say about the book:

What does the atonement mean, practically speaking? How is Christ the answer to a strained relationship with a spouse, child, parent, or sibling? What if I am being mistreated? How can the Atonement help me cope with that? How can I discover the desire to repent when I don't feel the need to repent? And, how can I invite others to do the same? These are the challenging, difficult questions of daily life. Questions to which the gospel must provide answers if it is to have living. cleansing. redeeming power.

The Peacegiver is a book about the answers to these questions. Unlike other books about the Atonement, The Peacegiver is written as an extended parable. It tells the story of a man struggling, with the help of a loved one, to come unto Christ. In reading the rich details of his often difficult journey, we find ourselves embarked on a personal journey of our own. His questions are our questions, his problems are our problems, his discoveries are our discoveries. Along the way, the truths of the gospel are unfolded with surprising clarity and power, illuminating aspects of the atonement that few of us have ever heard or considered before. These surprising implications show us the way to deep and lasting peace in our hearts and homes.

All I can say is: AMEN...


Anonymous said...

i've been reading this book also! it is really good!

Anonymous said...

i've been reading this book also! it is really good!

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