
Choir Notes

Daily Gratitude and Thanksgiving:
From Music and the Spoken Word
Delivered by: Lloyd D. Newell . Program 4132

A few years ago, two researchers conducted what they called the Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness. They found through science what most of us know intuitively: gratitude makes people happy.

For the study, several hundred people were divided into three groups and asked to keep diaries. The fir group listed the day's events in their diaries, the second group recorded any unpleasant experiences they ah during the day, and the lat group made a daily list of things they were grateful for.

The researchers found that the simple act of taking time each day to count your blessings makes a person more enthusiastic, determined, optimistic, and energetic. Those who expressed gratitude experienced less depression and stress, exercised more regularly, and made more progress toward personal goals. Researchers even noted a relationship between feeling grateful and feeling loved, and they observed how gratitude inspires acts of kindness and compassion.1

Remarkable, isn't it? All this from daily gratitude and thanksgiving.

Of course, the best way to discover the benefits of gratitude is not by observing them in an academic study but by experiencing the miracle of ourselves. When we daily count our blessings, we feel better about life, even in the midst of adversity; we garner a strength of character and largeness of soul that will help us through hard times; and we see life as basically good, despite its challenges and heartaches.

Gratitude does not need to be reserved for holidays and special events. Every day is filled with miracles and blessings. If we opened our hearts and look, we'll find reasons for gratitude and thanksgiving each day, all around us.

1 See Robert A. Emmons and Michael E. McCullough, "Highlights from the Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness," http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/labs/emmons; see also "Gratitude Theory," http://www.acfnewsource.org/religion/gratitude_theory.html.

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