A gay man, in Michigan. is suing two Christian publishers for 70 million dollars, claiming he has suffered emotional distress and mental instability during the past 20 years from versions of the Bible that refer to homosexuality as a sin.
He claims his constitutional rights were infringed upon by the publishers because the intent of the Bible revisions of 1 Corinthians 6:9 that refer to homosexuals as sinners reflect an individual opinion or a group's conclusion, and the deliberate changes made to first Corinthians, chapter six, verse nine caused him "or anyone who is a homosexual to endure verbal abuse, discrimination, episodes of hate, and physical violence ... including murder."
Where does it stop, I ask you?? Is it a joke?
Grrrrrrrrr!! What about MY constitutional right to believe the way I want to? And why single out those two ministers?
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