
Choir Notes

The Power of Self-Discipline
From Music and The Spoken Word
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell • Program 4176

After giving a wonderful performance, a highly accomplished pianist was approached by one of his fans. “You played so well,” said the admirer. “I would give my life to play the piano as well as you.” The pianist responded, “I have, I have.”

To develop such remarkable talent, this performer had literally given his life. He had disciplined himself to practice for hours each day, setting aside other desires so that he might achieve what, for him, was a higher goal. The key to all his success was self-discipline.

When we hear the word discipline, we often think of punishment or a highly restrictive and perhaps even harsh environment. Some might resist or resent discipline because they feel it limits their freedom. But the kind of discipline practiced by the pianist did not take away his freedom; it gave him freedom—freedom to perform and bring great joy to his audiences. True self-discipline is not confining; it is liberating. It grants freedom to do the things we really want to do.

Self-discipline focuses our efforts and gives us the power to reach our goals. Each hour of disciplined practice, each decision to keep moving in the right direction, each step toward a well-defined goal makes us better and allows us to do more. There is nothing more restrictive than unmet potential. Through self-discipline, we discover our true potential and make it a reality. That is freedom.

It seems that those who achieve the most in life, like the concert pianist, decide what they want to do and then stick to their task no matter how long or difficult the way. They have learned that self-discipline is the key that unlocks the door to our hopes and dreams.

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