
Have a Fabulous Stress-Free Day

Yesterday, I heard your day went something like this...

You had trouble getting out of bed.

You had a stiff neck.

You washed your hair and couldn't do a thing with it.

Your new diet really didn't seem to be working.

You pulled a muscle when you tried to exercise.

Your new hat looked better on you at the store.

You kept losing things.

You got caught in the rain at lunchtime.

Then lunch didn't seem to agree with you.

You felt trapped.

Uninvited guests showed up at dinner.

You thought you were coming down with the flu.

And you thought you heard noises in the basement.

Today, face every stressful situation like a dog:
If you can't eat it or play with it, just pee on it.
and have a wonderful day!!


Ana Chapman said...

Love this!

brittany said...

lol! this is so funny, and how on earth did people get all of those photos of those cats?! I've always thought cats had no personality. Guess i was wrong...

lyn. said...

Brittany: You're right, cats don't have any personality - just lives!!

It's people who give them persona...

Sol said...

I love the one where lunch didnt agree with them

Annie Link said...

These were great! Thanks for the smile. You're always good at providing them.

Christmas Countdown