

Homer Simpson's Best 6 Grilling Tips...

1) To make grilled food taste terrific, my secret ingredient is beer: Add 72 ounces to stomach, then cook. I also find that a half pound of meat really wakes up a veggie burger.

2) To keep the bugs from biting, I move everything indoors and barbecue in the house. It also makes the kids nice and sleepy.

3) I keep kabob skewers handy for unwanted guests, like my annoying neighbor Ned Flanders. And I don’t use them for the kabobs.

4) Grill up some vegetables for the vegetarians in your life, like my daughter, Lisa. It’s easy. But remember, no matter how you do it, veggies taste bad.

5) Give your backyard get-together a theme. The guests will love it. My favorites have been the “Quadruple Bypass Anniversary Party” and “The Great Flanders Smoke-Out.”

6) What’s the best thing to do with leftovers? Leftovers? I never heard of them.

illustration by Julius Preite
/via parade.com


brittany said...

lol! i've never seen this show, but this was funny!

lyn. said...

I don't watch it either... :-b

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