
Choir Notes

You Made My Day
From Music and the Spoken Word
Delivered By: Joy Saunders Lundberg • Program 3777

Sometimes things happen that just make our day. Such was a time when a seven year-old boy sat down to breakfast with his family. His grandparents had come for a visit. His mother had made his favorite breakfast - biscuits and gravy. As he sat at the table between Grandma and Grandpa, he couldn't contain his delight. "I love this day," he exclaimed!
Think back on a time when someone "made" your day, and you'll discover that, in most cases, it was just a small act of kindness that did the trick. Maybe it was a visit from a close friend or a card in the mail that read, "I'm thinking of you today." It may have been a hug from a spouse, accompanied by the words: "Thanks for all you do for me. I love you."
A woman told of the time she made a double batch of her family's favorite soup and took some to the elderly couple down the street. When the little gray-haired neighbor opened the door, she said: "Oh, thank you. We love homemade soup. You've made our day." The joy was twofold; both the receiver and the giver were blessed. With some small kindness, we can make a great difference in someone's day - and in our own.
The poet Goethe said "Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together."What a blessing it is to be a link in that chain" to lift others to say, "You made my day!"

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