
Wishing You Well

Proactively notice all helpful, kind acts children perform!

Conscious Tips for Noticing Children's Contributions to Others:

Step 1: Start the statement with the word “YOU” or the child’s name followed by the word “YOU.”
Step 2: Describe in detail what the child did.
Step 3: Relate how the child’s behavior helped someone
else. You can do this by continuing the sentence with SO ______________.
Step 4: End with a tag by saying, “That was helpful”, “That
was kind” or “That was caring.”

The Basic Noticing Formula:
You ___ so ___. That was ___.

"Alex, you held the door open so we could get through. That was helpful."

Ella, you shared your markers so Maxie could draw. That was helpful."

"Sophia, you rubbed Baby Steven's back so he would feel safe. That was kind."

"Nate, you asked Leah if she was OK so she knows you care. That was caring."

via: conscious discipline

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