
Riding the Booster Rocket

Absolutely mind-blowing video shot from the Space Shuttle during launch.

Drop whatever you're doing and watch this. NASA has released videos shot from on-board the Space Shuttle's Solid Rocket Boosters in the past, but you've never seen one prepared as masterfully as this.
For one thing, the footage was shot in high definition, so the image is exceptionally clear. But what puts this video head and shoulders above most other rocketcams is the sound. The audio has been remastered. and the final product is nothing short of incredible.

Try to let what you're witnessing sink in. See those numbers flying past in the upper right hand corner? That's the Shuttle's airspeed. See that gleam of light against the inky backdrop of space at 2:08 and 3:11? That's the Shuttle continuing on its flight path into low Earth orbit. Hear the eerie rattling, haunting moans, and weird dinosaur noises? That's what it sounds like to be a Solid Rocket Booster, falling to Earth from an altitude of 150,000 feet.

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