With Wondering Awe
From Music and the Spoken Word
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell • Program 4189
This is a season of wonder and awe. It’s a time when we remember a wonderful and awe-inspiring story of shepherds, Wise Men, and angels; of a little town named Bethlehem and a magnificent shining star; of a crowded inn and a lowly manger in a stable.
Indeed, this is a special time of the year. And, in good measure, what makes it so special is the wonder and awe in our hearts. Awe is profound reverence mingled with respect. Wonder is deep joy mixed with astonishment. “Wondering awe” describes well the feelings we have for Christmas.
But wondering awe is not reserved for the Christmas season alone. We can experience wonder and awe regularly as we observe children laugh and play, as we read and ponder the meaning of scripture, as we glory in the beauty and majesty that surrounds us every day. Wonder and awe are found in every season: winter’s snowy blanket, spring’s rejuvenated splendor, summer’s bold energy, and fall’s brisk air and brilliant colors. And it can be found in every season of life: a baby’s birth, a changed heart, a new start, an empty nest. Wherever we live, whatever our age, we can look for wonder and awe.
And though the world often seems so large, so cold, so enveloped in conflict and unrest, we can join our voices in the angels’ song, look to the heavenly star, pray for peace, and experience wonder and awe.
Well over a hundred years ago, an unknown author wrote of the “wondering awe” shared by the Wise Men and millions of others since:
And still is found, the world around,
The old and hallowed story,
And still is sung in every tongue
The angels’ song of glory. . . .
The heavenly star its rays afar
On every land is throwing,
And shall not cease till holy peace
In all the earth is growing.1
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