
Sunday Reflections

[I'm now on the 9:00 church schedule, and have time in the afternoon to post about my Sunday meetings.]

:: Relief Society ::
Setting Personal and Family Goals

If you don't know where you are going, you'll get there.
Even if you're on the right path, if you just stand there, you'll get run over.
Write down your goals.
Write down the specific steps you'll take to accomplish your goals.
Write down the resulting achievements gained through your golas.
Make goals for all your roles.
Try a vision board.
Heavenly Father has a vision board for each of us.
You can teach a lot more to your children when you are having fun with them instead of preaching at them.

:: Sunday School ::
This Is My Work and My Glory

There is a pattern that God follows when we pray in earnest: First, He takes us back a few steps so that we can get a better perspective.

There are many ancient and modern apostles and prophets who have been transfigured (whole being is processing information), and have had God say to them, "Just a minute, let's get the bigger picture: Moses; Paul; Nephi; Joseph Smith; Sidney Rigdon; Orson Pratt; Brigham Young; Melvin J. Ballard; George F. Richards; David B. Haight.

We must have the discerning of spirits.

:: Sacrament Meeting ::
Thoughts from Testimonies Shared

People are blessed at Christmas because of the teachings of the Savior.
Strive to be more like the Savior this coming year.
I believe in miracles and the power of prayer.
There is a gospel plan that is worth getting up for each day.
Act upon the good feelings of your heart.
We are a church of sacrifice - it may be hard to send our missionaries out, but we never know who the will reach with gospel message.

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